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Salesforce Health Cloud


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Salesforce Health Cloud & Salesforce Consultant has something for everyone associated with the health industry. It is a powerful tool for various parties/stakeholders in the industry. Salesforce Health Cloud is the leading healthcare CRM that lets physicians, patients, and ancillary stakeholders access relevant data. It is deployed in concerned companies by a Salesforce consultant. Salesforce has invested a lot in the application to ensure that the healthcare and life sciences industry benefits in many ways from this cloud. Different from other industries, the healthcare industry is singularly focused on interoperability standards that aid processes and systems with regard to in - patient care. Therefore, varied accelerators and tools developed in the Salesforce ecosystem are churned out fast and speed the growth in this industry more than ever.

Let us examine how this one tool plays a role for these diverse segments according to a Salesforce Consultant:
  • Health care providers: The cloud offering allows for communication & engagement with patients and their families across electronic devices, as well as collaboration among the various stakeholders. By providers, we mean hospitals, clinics, and doctors.  By linking electronic health records, treatment plans, patient preferences, and so on, better care that is personalised is provided. Improved communication with patients (and their families) on channels preferred by patients, such as texts, live video calls, or even messaging services like WhatsApp,. Call Codleo Salesforce Consultant for details.

  • Health Insurance firms – For Firms operating in this competitive market (for example with multiple players in this field) it is important for them to build secure & trusted relationships with their clients.  The cloud & Salesforce Consultant allows these firms to individualise care, streamline authorization requests with the utilization management, and encourage collaboration to obtain the best outcomes for all concerned.

  • Pharmaceuticals – The cloud streamlines processes and makes day-to-day work efficient & seamless. Thus, complexities can be minimised, innovations are the order of the day, and the effect of every patient support program is enhanced.  Implemented by a Salesforce Consultant.

  • Medical devices - Health Cloud makes handling commercial processes, building provider relationships, and interaction with patients more efficient, compliant, and personalised.

With the demands of extensive patient and health care provider collaboration rising to a chorus, the features and services of the Salesforce Health Cloud are just right for health care providers, pharma companies, and medical devices. Primarily, the cloud is positively impacting people who are now able to a greater role in their health management than ever before. 

Dr. Bahl, a dentist in South Delhi sings praises of this cloud offering. “I have been using it for the past months and it has enabled patient records to be centralised, with access from anywhere, whether I am on holiday in Goa or attending a wedding in Shimla. Data is enabling better care for my patients, thanks to the cloud and the help of a Salesforce Consultant”.

For more information, call Codleo Salesforce Consultant.

About the Author

Anand Sharma

Anand is a Salesforce Evangelist, joined the Salesforce ecosystem in 2014 helping customers to be successful with Salesforce, and joined Codleo to share the goodness with even more developers all around the world. He is based in New Delhi, with his wife, and he tries to escape summers every chance he gets.

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