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Evaluation process simplified.


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A CRM for colleges is an ally every university should have by its side. Such CRM for colleges makes the life of staff simpler when it comes to day-to-day work.  Salesforce education cloud is an enabler and helps in many ways.

Listed below are the ways CRM for Higher Education Can Simplify Your University:
  • Streamline the entire admission process. The admission process in many centers of learning involves many steps and can be quite cumbersome, for both staff and prospective students. Application form availability to submission of documents, payment of fees, and so on. A good CRM takes care of all such issues with customisation. Like a magician with a magic wand, the entire student lifecycle can be managed from one place. Access to all information about admission such as the course for which admission is sought, student admission number, documents uploaded about the admission, and other important stuff the student registers during the process. 

  • Track ideal candidates. A CRM aids a university to engage with potential candidates with relevant information ahead of time. Technology enables universities to monitor social media chatter and based on information received take pro–active outreach. It allows the creation of an association with leads and shows them the relevance of your university in their scheme of things. 

  • Enhanced customer service. Students are customers of universities and centers of learning. Treat them this way. All interactions need to be mapped and data used to engage appropriately and provide them with the best service that they deserve, and you need to supply. This comes into play especially before they sign up so that know that you are informed, engaged, and helpful. Help them to choose you over others.   

  • The evaluation process is simplified. The entire evaluation process per student is simplified and consolidated in one place. Whether it is grades or marks, assessments or comments, all are available for the teachers and other teams to see.  It enables teachers to monitor student performance and view their progress at various stages of the course. 

  • View payments and fees.  Besides automation of the fee payment structure, the entire fee collection process is simplified with no scope of human error. Thus, time and valuable resources are saved. Salesforce CRM for higher education is the tool for you. 

  • Engagement with alumni. CRMs help universities to stay connected with powerful and financially powerful alumni. Alumni are usually proud of their institutions and wish to remain engaged. CRMs are one such medium.   

  • Data is used to prepare dashboards and reports. These in turn are used to track student progress, as well as make strategic decisions & planning in an informed manner. Salesforce CRM for higher education is perfect for data analysis. 

For more information on the salesforce education cloud, contact Codleo salesforce education cloud consultant. As Salesforce education cloud consultant, we provide the right curated solutions for your university just as we are doing for other leading lights in the education domain.

About the Author

Mohit Sharma

Mohit is Practice Lead, 15x Certified Salesforce Consultant, Salesforce trainer, blogger, writer, and full-time husband. With over 8 years of experience implementing Salesforce, and an obsession for innovation, ready to tackle any new project that comes his way.

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