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Salesforce Lightning Migration


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“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. – Quote by Late John D Rockefeller, the legendary American entrepreneur

Salesforce Inc was launched in 1999 and has since come a long way. The premier CRM that is used by a large chunk of Fortune 500 companies is now an expanding metaverse. Its original interface is now known as the classic version while its much nifty avatar is known as the lightning version. With Salesforce putting all its might into the Lightning version, people wonder why is the simple classic interface still in operation. The answer is quite simple. Many companies and users still use the classic version for their reasons.

Here are some major differences between the two versions:
  • A better user experience. The user interface is the main difference. One is simple and the other is wow. The lightning version has a dashboard replete with information & a host of advanced features. Lightning comes with news, a performance chart, and key deals on the homepage, unlike the classic version. It contains an activity timeline that assists users in keeping track of activities related to any and every account or lead. Let’s talk about Salesforce lightning migration.

  • Lightning is an advanced platform. It's progressive and can be scaled over time. The classic version remains obsolete and doesn’t do much for businesses as they scale over time. Call us for salesforce lightning migration.

  • Advanced security features and settings. In the classic version, security is centralized. This means there is only one layer of defense for you and your data. If that layer is compromised, your data is open to users with malicious intent. On the other hand, Salesforce Lightning has many features that focus on security. For example, Lightning includes LockerService, which adds security layers between components. This enables components to work differently while communication remains seamless. Any data breach is restricted to a section of the business as the data is segmented. This keeps the components & the org secure, and the platform, at all times against all kinds of threats. Definitely, a reason to opt for salesforce lightning migration.

  • Reports & forecasts. Salesforce Classic enables users to curate reports based on varied report types & templates that revolve around products, opportunities, and campaigns. This reduces the Classic’s reporting capabilities as it can’t be personalized as per the requirements of the business or the users. Salesforce Lightning includes Einstein Analytics (EA). EA has its own database, that updates automatically hourly hence the reports are based on real-time, and therefore planning, and action are based on information that is updated. One more reason for salesforce lightning migration.

Mr. Mohit Sharma, Salesforce delivery lead, Codleo says “ Businesses need to smell the coffee. Lightning is the future. Opt for salesforce lightning migration and give your company the best gift ever”.

If you still use the classic version, it’s time for Salesforce lightning migration. Call Codleo Consulting, experts in salesforce lightning migration now. We will help you achieve a seamless and smooth salesforce lightning migration. We are an email or call away. Ciao.

Salesforce Classic and Lightning have significant differences in terms of user interface, functionality, and customization. With the help of Salesforce consulting partners or best Salesforce partners, businesses can smoothly migrate to Lightning and benefit from enhanced productivity, better collaboration, access to more than 2000 features, and cost savings. Lightning also offers better scalability, faster navigation, and mobile responsiveness.

About the Author

Gaurav Pundir

Gaurav is a 7x Salesforce certified Developer with an experience of 3 years in the Salesforce ecosystem. He has worked on projects in the insurance and manufacturing domain.

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