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Ever so often new terms / phrases enter popular lexicon say Salesforce companies. In 2022, we have seen terms such as “situationship”, “fininfluencer” and “nomophobia” becoming part of the lingo bandied by the millennials. Add to this expanding terminology is “quiet quitting”. We have all heard this term being used frequently in media and social media. What exactly is the definition of this term? Well for starters it does not mean that people quit companies quietly and walk away. It refers to employees of a company getting disconnected. As a result of the disconnect, they just stick to the tasks & responsibilities that come with the position. Just the minimum level of work needed for them to be employed. No more extra work, tasks, and responsibilities.  These employees may be job hunting or are simply demotivated to go “above and beyond the call of duty”. 

Examples of such behaviour / attitude are turning down new projects, not taking on more tasks, accepting simple work, or refusing to help or cooperate with others. This is also known as “silent quitting.” Here are some ways businesses can reverse / prevent the trend as per Salesforce companies: 

  1. Keep increase in workload for short durations / periods reveal Salesforce companies. Expecting people to increase their workload and take on more pressure / responsibilities is just not fair. It’s perfectly fine to assign more tasks occasionally for short durations or when there is a deadline looming in sight. That’s it. Expecting staff to continually work or for long hours is not sustainable reveal Salesforce companies. Extra work and pressure should be for short periods ( and preferable optional ).  

  2. Pay handsome wages. Low salaries lead to discontent, and we come to the stage of “quiet quitting”. Let’s avoid it. Pay as per market standards and show the person is valued / respected. Do note that compensation can be unrelated to money and in the form of recognition, perks, benefits, and flexibility. Without proper rewards & recognition, employees can just withdraw., We don’t want that in our companies, do we? Salesforce companies are good employers. 

  3. Additional responsibilities should be an option. Not everyone may want to shoulder more tasks or additional responsibilities. They may have their reasons – personal or professional. Respect it. Don’t push say Salesforce companies. Don’t reject or hurt those who don’t want to. They are still valued team players. Approach them and if they say no then assign it to someone who is willing and able. The employees need to see that the work being assigned has value for them in the long run and not just for the company. 

  4. Managers should be good listeners. When employees share / confide / provide feedback and it is ignored or brushed aside by managers and management, then trouble starts. Let’s all be good listeners, listen with an open mind, not get defensive and be non-judgemental. This applies for all businesses including Salesforce companies 

  5. Maintain professional boundaries. Reinforce corporate boundaries such as not responding to calls/messages after a particular time unless an emergency. Give people half day if they work late on the previous day. Give paid time off to employees working in Salesforce companies or other businesses.  

About the Author

Rahul Ray

Rahul is a seasoned consultant in travel, transport and hospitality sector subject matter expert with over 20 years of experience and constantly challenging himself to re-define travel distribution and channels, Dedicated Son, Love Nature and Politics both

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