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Salesforce Consulting Services


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"No matter how many customers you have, each is an individual. The day you start thinking of them as this amorphous ‘collection’ and stop thinking of them as people is the day you start going out of business." – Quote by Dharmesh Shah

Sales has always been a tough role and the profile seems to face tougher scenarios as time passes. In this day of digitisation and fast-moving scenarios, they can do with all the help they get. This is where tech tools like AI and ChatGPT are being seen as game changers. In this blog as a Salesforce consultant, we are examining how Artificial Intelligence or AI as it is commonly known, is becoming increasingly important for sales departments.

Why do we feel sales teams need AI as per a Salesforce consultant?
  • Customised client experience. Everyone loves to be valued and respected says a Salesforce consultant. This extends to businesses people patronise. It's all about deep diving, personalisation, and relevance. No cookie-cutter approach. No selling bald men's hair oils. The days are over. Companies are using AI to engage in meaningful conversations that eventually lead to sales. Targeted client experience where your services or products resonate is the way forward confirms a Salesforce consultant.

  • AI-driven analytics. Reams of data that come to a company from different channels and devices are meaningless unless it is analysed. This is where AI is leveraged to convert that data into simplified analytics. This enables companies to use analytics to review what is working and what is not. Valuable insights can be used to take remedial measures going ahead. How cool is that? The salespeople we have spoken to for this blog as a Salesforce consultant are in complete agreement. They agree that such analytics helps in scaling a business and winning more clients.

  • Virtual sales assistance. AI enhances sales productivity thanks to virtual sales says a Salesforce consultant. This is a great way to increase sales without team augmentation. These programs & apps produce data that represents leads and then engage with these leads via different mediums such as email, SMS, etc. 

  • Client relationship management or CRM. Client relationship management is an important component of sales & business development, as pressure is always there to get more business from existing clients (upselling or cross-selling as we say). Various tools are being designed with the assistance of AI that allows information collating gathering in a jiffy. For more info call a Codleo Best Salesforce Partner.

Call a Codleo Salesforce Platinum Partner today and discover how we can do wonders for your business with AI and lots more. It’s a whole new world, let's embrace it.


About the Author

Vineet Rana

Vineet Rana is the digital marketing manager in the #Awesome team at Codleo. He is passionate about all things branding, and his mission is to get amazing content out to everyone as much as possible. When He is not online, he loves cooking, lifting weights, and hiking in the Himalayas with his friends.

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