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An important question Salesforce Consulting companies ask or should be asking is: do your employees find meaning at work? Every company has a work culture, values & mission statements, and a vision for the future. These are reiterated ever so often in the hope that they don’t fade away in the daily grind of work. It’s important that employees in Salesforce Consulting companies feel invested and happy at work, an inner purpose that makes them happy to get out of bed and step into the office premises. This is the topic of our blog, a pertinent topic that vexes many, and we have some simple solutions. A study by a leading consulting company in the USA found in 2016 that loyalty to a company happens when employees are engaged, emotionally invested, and find support for themselves. 

Management can cultivate an inner sense of purpose in each employee about what matters to them in life and at work by having simple one-on-one conversations.

Here are some simple questions that need to be asked to Salesforce Consulting employees to help the company gauge their employee's dis-affection. 
  1. Which skill or what do you excel at workwise? Which tasks are easy for you? What responsibilities do you seek, knowing that you are the best at them? What brings you accolades from your managers or organization? The discovery of talent/strengths is the intended outcome of this brief conversation, say Salesforce Consulting companies

  2. What makes you happy at work? What tasks do you look forward to? If you could curate your job profile, what would be in it?  This exercise is for people to introspect. Find out what brings them joy or know their strengths & pluses, say Salesforce Consulting companies

  3. What tasks or responsibilities make you proud? Which of them is important to your department or unit? What are your top priorities for your life, and how does your career fit into the scheme of things? Ask tough questions, says Salesforce Consulting companies

  4. How are your social skills? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Such questions motivate people to create & nurture relationships at the office. These relationships help employees bond with their workspace and stay loyal. When an employee has bonds with others ( peers, juniors, or seniors), they stay invested and motivated to remain with the organisation be it in Salesforce Consulting or other industries. 

  5. How are you skilling yourself to remain relevant? What do you plan for your career? What’s next for you?  The aim is to show that the work being done today by them is laying the groundwork for their growth on the corporate ladder. Everyone has life and career goals, say Salesforce Consulting companies like Codleo. They need to see value in the work they are carrying out at your organisation and how it will help them succeed in life. 

These simple questions will make them reflect on their life & career, and how the organisation fits in with their value system. These are questions that begin the journey of finding their inner purpose. It’s a step in the right direction. Start today. 

About the Author

Mukul Gulati

Mukul Gulati is a 7x Salesforce certified Admin specialist with an experience of 5 years in the Salesforce ecosystem. He currently heads a team of admins and is extensively involved in client engagement & problem solving.

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