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“We’ve heard overwhelming feedback from our customers that their organizations need to focus and simplify their operations to build resilience and deliver immediate value to their customers. That’s why we are announcing Salesforce Easy — with the swipe of a credit card, SMBs can start seeing results fast, while larger businesses can get up and running quickly with Salesforce and then rapidly scale with the tools they need along their growth journey.” – Quote from Salesforce Inc.
Are you a small business located in Nevada involved in block printing home furnishings or a family run condiments manufacturer in Utah? Are you the backbone of the gresat American economy – a small, a medium or a family run concern. We are looking for you. To be clear, Salesforce and Salesforce Platinum Partners are looking for you. If you have been concerned with not onboarding this great CRM tool because of monetary considerations, we have some good news. And good news it is indeed. Paying heed to the feedback, the numero uno CRM has launched a new platform that is quite economical and just right for small businesses. This has made Salesforce Platinum Partners quite gung – ho about the future.
Having minimal costs as a small business is integral to its survival acknowledge Salesforce Platinum Partners. But some of the good quality tools may put a hole in the pocket of SMBs if they wish to be future ready. Plus, if the USA goes into recession this year, then we all need to look out for stormy months ahead. Here comes Salesforce easy. Salesforce Easy is a basic version of the CRM that will offer a robust and detailed experience for firms whether small, medium, family run or, large. This simple version of the CRM brings the tool to a wider audience, let’s say like an entry level car in the automobile sector. Salesforce Easy will be similar to Hyundai Eon car or 0.5 ton air conditioner unit available in some rising economies according to Salesforce Platinum Partners.
Salesforce Easy cost only $25 per user per month, which is quite economical compared to some of the other offerings by the Salesforce universe. Salesforce Easy is bringing on board a range of seamless third-party integrations such as Slack, Google, and Microsoft 365 that will be a boon and relief for businesses and their owners. Furthermore, Salesforce Easy makes the strong analytics, automations, marketing, and sales features linked with Salesforce into an easier interface. Salesforce easy is going to be a simple tool that can be learnt by all and get their work done. What more could small businesses ask for say Salesforce Platinum Partners?
Salesforce easy is going to live up to its name agree Salesforce Platinum Partners. We are all excited with its launch. In the coming days, Salesforce will launch Salesforce Easy products and solutions across marketing, commerce, and analytics. It will put the fizz back into the mom and pop run companies that can be found in any country, Malaysia, India, the UK or Canada. For more information, call us - Salesforce Platinum Partners, today to set up a discovery and demo session.