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Website conversion refers to the process of converting website visitors into paying clients say Salesforce global partners. The objective of website conversion is to design a smooth & pleasant client experience that motivates visitors to take the next logical action — It could be to make a purchase, subscribe to a magazine, or download a resource. Ideally, clients complete these actions via a combo of robust content, defined calls to action or CTA, and a great website browsing experience (good design, smooth navigation, less content, more images, etc.)

We as Best Salesforce Partners are happy to share 4 tips on how visitors can become clients and even loyal brand ambassadors.

Here are tips on converting web visitors into clients by Salesforce global partners:
  1. Collate website visitor data to meet your CTA. Collecting data enables businesses to comprehend the client. AI-powered algorithms review information in real-time — like browsing history, demographics, and behavior patterns — to create a holistic profile view of each person who browses. This data can be used to alter website content, suggested items & particular calls to action pivoted on the visitor’s needs say Salesforce global partners.

  2. Use the collated information to alter emails. By collecting website behavior data, businesses can create personalised & relevant email campaigns — resulting in higher engagement and even sales. These emails are powerful and are aligned with a visitor’s particular behavior & needs. For example, if a visitor has browsed a particular page of a product or a service. Businesses can proactively send SMS/email with promos or offers that will enable the visitor to become a client. Another good idea is to curate customised subject lines that motivate the client to act on the goods they browsed. For example – “Hey Mona, our organic cocoa butter cream pampers your skin”. Codleo is the leader in  Top Salesforce Partners.

  3. Shower love and attention to customers/leads on special occasions. If the data collected captures significant anniversaries (birthdays or anniversaries), marking them in your own way shows that you care. Offer customised promos or schemes to clients on special days as a token of your appreciation for their loyalty. It’s always a good idea to stay connected with a client after a purchase, to get feedback, and also suggest upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

  4. Obtain 360 degrees of the client journey. Marketing & service teams ought to work in tandem to ensure website conversion rates go up. The first step is to ensure all data is present in one place & converted into a solo profile to allow service agents with a detailed view of every client. This persona/profile/history of each client is used by the service team to engage in an informed & constructive manner. For more information call Codleo Salesforce Platinum Partners.

For end-to-end digital marketing services, Codleo - Salesforce global partners are the choice of global brands. Will it be yours?


About the Author

Vineet Rana

Vineet Rana is the digital marketing manager in the #Awesome team at Codleo. He is passionate about all things branding, and his mission is to get amazing content out to everyone as much as possible. When He is not online, he loves cooking, lifting weights, and hiking in the Himalayas with his friends.

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