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“The best yardstick for our progress is no other people, but ourselves. Am I better than I was yesterday? This is the only question worth asking. As long as you go to bed at night a better practitioner than the one who woke up that morning, you have succeeded. Your worth should have nothing to do with how your progress stacks up relative to another.” ― Quote by Chris Matakas, Author of “ My Mastery: Continued Education Through Jiu Jitsu “.
If you are a Salesforce admin and planning to up-skill to become a consultant, there are some core skills that you need to have or need to inculcate to succeed in this position.
In this blog, we shall look at 5 such skills required to be a good Salesforce consultant. Let’s read about them.
Business empathy – Empathy is as we all know defined as the ability to comprehend and share the feelings of another person or for that matter a living creature. Taking it further in the realm of work and corporate jargon, business empathy is a core skill needed to be a consultant. This means the ability to understand the business from the perspective of the client/person. Business empathy is a skill that may not be innate in some people but honed over time. This can be honed especially when interacting with clients and other business associates.
Ability to gather needs & requirements – Another crucial skill for a consultant working with a Salesforce Consulting Partner is the ability to collate the requirements of the exact needs & requirements. Without precise requirements, the project can get derailed and end up on the wrong track which no one wants. An ideal consultant is precise in collating clear and accurate requirements that the customer agrees with, so the project is implemented smoothly.
Communication – Communication covers verbal, non-verbal, and written communication skills. This is a skill that is considered intuitive and partly acquired. Written communication is crucial to the role while verbal is what distinguishes you from your colleagues in the industry. Communication needs to be articulate, simple, and clear, whether verbal or written so that it is understood by all concerned.
Manage relationships – The ability to manage relationships with all stakeholders and their expectations is another important skill, a good consultant must have in their kitty. While working for a Salesforce Consulting Partner, it is important to ensure that the expectations of the clients are met effectively and a key to this is smart communication. Do remember it best to under–promise and over-deliver to a client than the other way around.
Bring value to your work – As a salesforce consultant, one among lakhs worldwide, what will make you stand out? What will set you apart from the herd? It is the additional value you bring to the job. The combined collective of your experiences, knowledge, and intelligence and application of that to your client's requirements, you add value, which translates into good solutions, enhanced outcomes, and customer delight.
Also, if you are looking for Salesforce Consultants, you may contact Codleo, one of the best Salesforce Partners for implementing your Salesforce.