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Codleo Consulting is a young and dynamic organisation. The same is reflected in the composition of its effervescent employees whose median age in the late 20s. Many people ask who is a Codleon. This is a difficult question to answer but here is a list of what we feel Codleons are all about. And yes Codleo is a great place to work.
Codleons are passionate about their work. Be it an administrator in the Salesforce universe, a coder building custom apps, a digital marketing savant, a graphic designer creating magical websites, or an office administrator. Each day Codleons come to work with a passion to give their best in what we do.
We are young by age and young at heart. Irrespective of their age and profile, all Codleons are young at heart. The excitement and enthusiasm are reflected in all members of the team. Codleons can be compared to busy honeybees buzzing all day with the determination to forge ahead.
We are fun-loving. As we all know “all work and no play make Jack / Jill, a dull boy / girl”. The same applies to Codleo. Though working long hours and hard, we take time out to celebrate festivals, personal occasions, and milestones. Birthdays of Codleons is especially is the day of fun & revelry especially at lunchtimes. Cakes and treats flow, and everyone bonds.
We are eager to learn. Learning never stops, and Codleons are like a sponge eager to soak in information and upgrade their skill set. The management is particularly encouraging of this and provides the right support needed for the learning of each member to do well in life. It could be an additional Salesforce certification, a course , or attend a webinar/seminar.
We work hard. Work for Codleons does not end when we punch out for the day. We work 24 x 7 providing support and help to our clients, when they need it, irrespective of their time zone or geography. You will find us glued to our laptops ensuring that our clients are able to perform their core business activities smoothly.
We believe in diversity. Rainbows are beautiful and so is the composition of Codleo. We are open and encouraging for all sections of society especially women, LGBT and persons with different abilities. Our ethos is to build a team that represents India in the 21st century.
Codleons are not just about work. We believe in giving back to society be it in the form of volunteer work with local communities or being instructors for various courses conducted by the Codleo Foundation. Our social outreach is being shaped and will expand soon in scope.
We are experts in our domains. With certifications and experience, each young Codleo is a fountain of knowledge and solutions.
Codleons are creative in ideas, solutions, and implementing any project.
We are always smiling with the atmosphere in the office being light, relaxed, informal and open.