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Working in offices with a bunch of people with different personalities and goals is tough, no doubt. People with different styles and attitudes working together can lead to conflict issues, sometimes often sometimes not. As project managers or company leaders, it is incumbent on them to create the right ambiance and resolve issues between various team members/departments or employees. In this blog, we look at some simple ways of resolving team conflicts at work, especially when people are working face to face.
Here are some great ways to resolve team conflicts:
Put your ego aside. Settling an argument/dispute in offices should not be an extension of trying to establish your superiority/idea/knowledge and trying to be forceful that “your way is the only way”. This was you lessen the chances of a mutually satisfactory solution to the problem vexing the company or the project.
Hunt for the causes which lead to errors. As project managers or simply the leaders in office, be constructive in your approach. Don’t finger point or look for scapegoats or blame others. Get to the root of the problem and find solutions. This way future problems on the same issue can be tackled.
Identifying and dealing with emotions before any meetings is a great way to prevent issues from flaring up or issues creeping up. While processing your emotion, you may be able to analyze the reasons behind the same. Thus, your emotions are processed and deflated.
Keep all conversations focused and goal-oriented. Open conversations which emphasize work or project related goals followed by concerns, in a neutral even voice tone.
Create a culture of conversations, feedback, communication which is regular. This could be team meetings, office meetings, one on one meetings, feedback forms or emails. An open environment of redress creates faith, harmony, and team spirit.
Conversations should not focus on the personality of the persons involved. Just stick to the problems, the solutions, and the behaviours of the team members.
Don’t tell others what they have said in the past, what they had done, or what they felt like. Done bring up such issues or past interactions.
Be a good listener. Recognize and give the views and thoughts of others due to importance. Validate their feelings and assuage their hurt sentiments. The art of communication especially listening well must be nurtured well by all.
Learn from conflicts and prepare strategies for similar occurrences in place. Document issues that surface with their solutions so everyone has a reference point for the future.
Organize seminars and training sessions on the same for the employees
Create a safe, happy and relaxed office atmosphere
Conflict resolution is a two-way street and needs to involve all the parties concerned. Neutral parties or mediators such as project managers or team leaders can play a great role in the same. Do you have any tips to be shared on this topic? We are listening.