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Know what your rivals are putting out


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A start – up or well entrenched company, both need a well-crafted and thought-out marketing plan, based on ideas, analysis and observation. This is the key to drawing a wider audience, convert people to clients, improve brand positioning and increasing sales. For those who need people in making such a plan, read our blog about how you can come up with your marketing plan.

Below are the ingredients which go into cooking a good marketing plan:

  • Social media platforms. No strategy or plan is going to start without the presence on various social media channels. Choose the best and most appropriate social media platforms. There are plenty of platforms in the market and does not need to be in all. Choose the ones which serve your purpose as each platform serves a purpose & generally has a ‘type’ of audience.  LinkedIn being the platform of networking for professionals is ideal for b2b marketing as well as hiring personnel. Instagram is to go – to – social media channel for all, including your brand. The next most popular channel is Facebook which is popular with the older demographics. It’s the main platform to connect with loved ones.  Snapchat is ideal for light hearted and informal content, again popular with the younger population, ideal for companies in the b2c domain.   

  • Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is a complex aspect of digital marketing. SEO involves a step-by-step process that meanders via website crawl accessibility, user experience optimization, content creation, etc. In order to get SEO to work for you, it needs time, patience and a host of professionals coming together (writer, web designer and UX designer).  Thus, in order to get your brand built, professional firms are best equipped to leverage the power of SEO. 

  • Email marketing. Email marketing is one of the brightest spots in the hands of businesses and their marketing teams to increase customers & revenues as well as disseminate information and keep engaged with clients & stake holders from time to time. Email newsletter sent out monthly is a good way to connect with your clients & leads. It’s also a great way to keep people informed on latest developments in the industry as well news from the company itself. Measure the KPIs of email marketing such as CTR (Click-through Rate) and open rate, on a regular basis to gauge the success. 

  • Gain insights into your audience. Beyond demographics and statistics, spend time on knowing their interests, values and behaviour. This information is useful in crafting future marketing plans and products / services developing for the future. 

  • Hire a good Public relations company to bolster your brand and spread the good word. PR companies tap host of media outlets which have a wide audience, and some which you and I may not even be aware of. 

  • Keep abreast of all media forms for “brand mentions” to do with your brand.  Analyse the platforms from where they are coming, look for opportunities and engage with the audiences on these platforms who mention your brand (positively or negatively). 

  • Monitor the marketing campaigns of your competitors. Follow them and analyse their outreach. You could learn a trick or two and ace them.  See what they are doing right or doing wrong. Draw lessons, strategise and plan well.

About the Author

Vineet Rana

Vineet Rana is the digital marketing manager in the #Awesome team at Codleo. He is passionate about all things branding, and his mission is to get amazing content out to everyone as much as possible. When He is not online, he loves cooking, lifting weights, and hiking in the Himalayas with his friends.

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