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A lifelong learner


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A human being is born as a sponge, devoid of any form of learning, knowledge or education.  The human spends a lifetime in absorbing information that is not enough as per philosophers and learned people. The more we learn the less we know is the realization of all of us over the passage of time. No one can claim to be a master of a domain/subject because knowledge is infinite and new aspects are always coming into the public domain. There are some of us who are eager to soak in knowledge/learnings and some aren't. Not judging anyone as each to their own. To assist you in your mission to be a learner, we have put together some tips that will keep your mission on track at all times.

Below are the important strategies for committing yourself to be a learner all your life:

  • Firstly, it's important to be self-aware or draw up a list of goals you like to achieve by learning. These goals could be: Would you like to bring life into your conversations by in - depth knowledge of a topic/topics? Are you interested in deep diving into a subject as a matter of interest? Are you interested in some topics outside of your work specializations? By listing your desired goals (that are also practical and attainable) on paper, you are on the track to a lifetime of learning.

  • Secondly, based on the defined objectives/outcomes, start setting goals for yourself. These can be annual goals such as reading X number of books a year or even daily targets that you will read 30 minutes a day or 15 pages a day. These goals are as per your desires and comfort level or even based on your daily schedules. In order to succeed, plot and track your daily reading habits. This way you get a first-hand knowledge of your learning journey. These goals compel / urge you to keep at it, despite the bumps along the way.

  • Third, to help you stick to your desire to enhance your knowledge and be a lifelong learner, seek / join associations of learning. It could be a neighbourhood book club, a writing course, a discussion group at a club. You could even sign up for a course offering a diploma / degree in a subject of your choice to expand your knowledge and remain committed to your outcomes. These are ways to make learning engaging and fun.

  • Fourth, be aware of distractions. The path to learning is fraught with distractions. Many tasks / issues can deter you, be it minor or major, family related or work. They could also be a host of electronic devices such as phones, social media, and laptops. When you are in a learning/reading mode, keep focused. Fix your reading/studying time in a quiet place/room, keep paper and pencil to make notes. Stay away from all electronic devices. Tip - Meditation is useful for improving concentration.

  • Last but not the least, use tech tools to help you in your journey. Examples of these are Podcasts, audiobooks, e-readers. Online courses are another way to read/learn and gain knowledge. So, tech if used in a good way can be an asset and not a distraction. While commuting by public transport or out taking a walk/jog, put on your headphones and listen to a lecture/talk/webinar/podcast, etc. This way you are able to pass time as well gain intellectually.

With a deep desire to learn combined with the above tips, anyone can be a learner all their lives. It could be about textiles, fracking, organic farming or racism, a whole universe and lifetime of learning awaits you. Seize the opportunity and begin a journey of inner growth.

About the Author

Rahul Ray

Rahul is a seasoned consultant in travel, transport and hospitality sector subject matter expert with over 20 years of experience and constantly challenging himself to re-define travel distribution and channels, Dedicated Son, Love Nature and Politics both

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