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Get Your Ideas Executed And Here Is How


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Have an idea to make improvements in your company’s goals, mission, process or functioning? Don’t keep it to yourself. Share and be a change maker. Don’t know how? Well, this blog is a guide on getting the same done in the right way. Read on.

  1. The first step is to identify people in your company who have the seniority / power to make your dreams come to reality. It may not be your immediate supervisor or their boss if you work in an organisation that is huge (the new term being used is “enterprise” currently). It has to be someone in a senior role who has the authority to make visions / ideas / plans executed in a decisive manner. Study your company’s hierarchy in depth, talk to peers, pay attention to seniors in meetings / town halls, etc so you can narrow down the list to a few good people.   These people are those who are consulted often about decisions etc, they give approvals and are accountable for the work as well as they are holding responsible positions within the hierarchy. It may be possible that in big organisations one person may not have the authority or wield power. It could be a number of people with segmented authority. Whatever department your seedling falls under, identify the decision makers involved in those domains within the organisation and try to glean information from others on how they make decisions.  

  2. Select your magical angel. After narrowing your decision making list, it's time to find a mentor / supporter / angel of you and your work. This takes time. Patience and work enable you to be noticed among the seniors / management. By your work demonstrate your caliber and qualities, so that they are willing to champion your ideas knowing full well that it’s coming from a worthy source. 

    Then they are ready to be your supporters / champions. Selecting a supporter depends on your idea, its practicality, cost, and disruptive factor. If all these factors are complicated and prohibitive then you need to find an angel who sits on top of all decision makers to be able to use their influence to make it happen and also be prepared for its consequences etc. To speed up your association, research your champion’s management style. Then mould your work ways to align with theirs. With this style, you are in sync with them and their ways thus giving them reasons to notice & appreciate you.  

  3. Do your research. Before taking it your champion, test your idea. Run it past colleagues, get feedback and work on it. This methodology lets you to make a fail proof pitch that will pass muster and not end up with ‘ egg on your face ’.  

  4. Pitch your idea in the most impressive way. It could be with engaging text, PPT, video. Make it compelling. Have the champion(s) hooked with as much information / facts / figures needed to get it passed. It should address a few important questions: how, why, when, and what? 

About the Author

Rahul Ray

Rahul is a seasoned consultant in travel, transport and hospitality sector subject matter expert with over 20 years of experience and constantly challenging himself to re-define travel distribution and channels, Dedicated Son, Love Nature and Politics both

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